Endorse & Volunteer Name* First Last Phone*Email* Title/Occupation (Optional.)I would like to...* Endorse Scott Matas for Mayor Volunteer to help the Scott Matas for Mayor Campaign Tell us a little about why you support the Re-election of Scott Matas for Mayor. (Optional)I endorse Scott Matas for Desert Hot Springs Mayor.* I understand by checking this box and submitting this form could result in your name being published on our website and printed materials.How would you like to contribute to our campaign?* Put a yard sign on my property. Pass out printed materials around my community and/or at shopping centers. Phone banking. Purchase a campaign shirt. Help at a fundraiser. Share the message on my social media profile(s.) Donate. Other. How can you to contribute to the campaign?*Thank you for your interest in making a donation to our campaign! We have been fortunate to receive more than our fundraising goal for our campaign, so we do not have online donations set up. If you would still like to make a donation, you can mail a check to 65446 Via Del Sol, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240, or call (760) 200-7428 for more information.If you would like content to share to your social media profile(s), please learn how by visiting our Spread the Word page.CAPTCHA This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.