About Scott Matas
I am a lifetime resident of Desert Hot Springs - born and raised. I attended school here and proudly raised my family here as well.
I am a husband and father. I have two sons; my oldest, Lucas, who graduated from Desert Hot Springs High School in 2015, is an EMT and is married to the love of his life, Nancy Matas. They have recently given birth to my first grandchild, Lydia Matas. My youngest son also graduated from Desert Hot Springs High School, and University of California Riverside (UCR), majoring in English. He now works to improve the lives of at-risk youth at Olive Crest. I married my wife, Victoria Matas, in 2017. We are raising our three daughters here in Desert Hot Springs; Rhea who is 16 and attends Desert Hot Springs High School and is very involved in sports, USB (United Student Body) and AP classes, Cassia, 15, who also attends Desert Hot Springs High School and is very involved in theater, arts, and gaming, and Khloe, 10, who attends Bella Vista Elementary School, and is very involved with the DHS Rec Club, dance, and DHS Rotary Earlyact.
I was a local small business owner for nearly 10 years. I am an active member of the Desert Hot Springs Rotary Club. I volunteered for over 20 years with the Desert Hot Springs Volunteer Fire Company, spent two years as president of Food Now, and have spent almost 20 years coaching and umpiring for Desert Hot Springs Little League. I support the following charities: Food Now, Desert Hot Springs Little League and AYSO, Youth Football, Desert Hot Springs Woman’s Club, and Desert Hot Springs High School sports programs. It has been my passion to involve the youth of our city in city government; in 2009 I began the Youth Council, which consists of a group of high school students who look at the issues facing our community from a youth perspective. I support Rotary’s Interact program that focuses on making future leaders of our youth. While being involved in several local charities and programs I have come to realize that DHS is fortunate to have the hardest working volunteers in the Coachella Valley.
My vision is straightforward; I am currently working to bridge the concerns of our small business owners, parks and youth programs, public safety needs, and our tourist industry. We have the potential to revitalize our downtown, and with the current rebound of the economy, I believe it will become the perfect dining, shopping, and small business experience for our community if we continue to make processes easier for our business owners.
Our youth is a vital part of this community and our schools have the largest student population in our school district. Our parks are transitioning to becoming more modernized and community-oriented through renovations and new additions. Our Health & Wellness Center, the Desert Hot Springs Recreation Club, and the Aquatics Center we can promote, protect, and encourage our youth to achieve their dreams. Public safety is a concern as it is in all cities across the United States and the need to strengthen our police department, add fire stations/ firefighters, and strengthen our code compliance department is a priority.
The tourist industry has been a signature in our community for years focused on our hot water. Bringing in the tax dollars and tourist revenue to fund all of the issues mentioned above. We undoubtedly have the best views in the Coachella Valley, our award-winning and therapeutic mineral waters, the cleanest air, and some of the best-known health and wellness spas in the country. Our tourists can relax in our spas for a day, a week or the entire winter! We are currently changing policies to allow cannabis use in local hotels to continue our health and wellness moto. While visiting our city a “must-see” is our own California Historical Site – Cabot’s Pueblo Museum. Cabot’s Pueblo Museum will soon have trails leading into the Joshua Tree National Monument as we are the gateway to the Sands to Snow Monument. Our trails have views you will not be able to find anywhere else in California.
Our city has led the way in the state in the Marijuana Cultivation industry, with over 75 projects approved between cultivators and dispensaries. 25% of the tax revenue goes straight into our reserves. The industry is bringing over 400 good-paying jobs to our community,
While our community continues to grow with an approximate population of 30,000 and still holds that small-town feeling.
Please feel free to contact me and allow me to share my city with you. Thank you again for taking the time to get to know me and the city I truly love. We welcome you with open arms to visit Desert Hot Springs, come and see the beauty we have to offer.
Scott Matas
Mayor for the City of Desert Hot Springs