Scott Matas -- HIS VISION

My vision has not changed from my first campaign.  The priorities have altered somewhat and I will outline them for you:

1.       Public Safety:  We have the best police chief in the state, if not the nation.  He understands the issues that face our city and in a short time as Police Chief for our city he has reduced crime, solved past murders and organized a gang injunction.  Operation Falling Sun was a testimony to his overwhelming support from other agencies, including cities from all over Riverside County, State and Federal resources.  We have taken back our city and we need to continue to give Pat Williams all the support he needs.  Our Fire Department is operated by a professional organization whose men and women help support our fire and rescue needs.  Our continue efforts to build and staff fire stations in the growing east end of our city is a top priority.  Our Code Enforcement department is now managed by our Police Department and is on its way to being structured in such a way to help our neighborhoods and business districts.  We as a City Council need to update our city codes so that they reflect the current climate and needs of our citizens.

2.       Economic Development:  When I ran for Council 2 years ago 72 cents of every retail dollar spent was across Interstate 10.  Have this changed?  The answer is simple NO, but we have positioned our city to be ready for the next commercial building boom.  The Redevelopment Agency has positions downtown for revitalization and parcel merging so large developers will have large enough properties on which to build, thus attracting a nice walking/shopping district.  Fresh and Easy is building at the corner of Hacienda and Palm Drive.  Businesses that could not weather the economic meltdown have closed and it now time to start convincing new franchises to come to Desert Hot Springs.  Our staff and I spent two days in Las Vegas, meeting with commercial developers. They are excited to take a tour of the city.  I have meet with two developers on 50 million dollar plus projects that want to build in our annexation area.  They are out there; it just takes persistence in marketing our city and showing the confidence that we have the population to support their projects:  consistency, stability and a will of the people.  There are forces in our community that would love to keep everything the same and see our city stagnate.  We have been told by respected economists that our city is on the edge of a true building and an economic boom.

3.     Tourism:  This is probably one of the most important pieces of Desert Hot Springs’ success.  With healthy tourism our city thrives on tax revenue and positive experiences that lead to word of mouth visitors’ advertising and a return of visitors.  We have amazing award-winning water (hot and cold) and the best views in the Coachella Valley.  We have access to Joshua Tree National Monument and one of the desert’s hidden gems; Cabot’s Museum.

     Forming the Parks Committee has helped us focus key people in developing a master plan for Cabot’s Museum.  Successful tourist cities have mastered planned their attractions to drive tourism in their cities.  We have never fully capitalized on our assets and need to do so in a dramatic way.  Every city in the Coachella Valley has a signature event or attraction.  Desert Hot Springs has Two Bunch Palms Resort, Cabot’s Museum, and many small spas that cater to the health and wellness factor.  With our trademark “The Spa City” we need to make our city the Health and Wellness Capital of Southern California, bringing people from all over the world to stay and play in the city.  A master plan of Cabot’s Museum can include many components, such as a hotel, amphitheater, walking paths, hiking entrance in Joshua Tree, etc…  The possibilities are endless, but without a plan this will never become a reality and this will be one of my focuses for the next 4 years. 


     I have proven myself in all of the years I have grown up, lived, and worked in DHS. I am a business owner. I am a father, a husband, a coach. A willing servant of DHS simply desiring to continue what I have started. We’re on the right path - re-elect me so we can keep moving!!!.