Dear Mr. Matas,
The Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) is proud to endorse your campaign for election to Desert Hot Spring Mayor. PORAC is a professional federation of local, state, and federal public safety associations. With more than 955 member organizations, representing over 81,000 officers, PORAC is the largest public safety association in California and the largest statewide public safety association in the nation. PORAC has long been a leader in fighting to enhance public safety, uphold professional training standards, and to protect the rights of peace officers.
PORAC prides itself on carefully scrutinizing the qualifications of every candidate. You will be an excellent Mayor in Desert Hot Springs, especially regarding the issues involving public safety. As public safety officers, we appreciate your willingness to keep the avenues of communication open and your concerted efforts to seek our input on issues involving public safety and law enforcement. These qualities make you truly deserving of the PORAC endorsement.
Very truly yours,
Peace Officers Research Association of California
Brian R. Marvel