Education is key to a successful life, but not everyone can afford a college education, and for some people, a four-year degree is just not right for them. Career training enables people of all ages to be ready for a new career much faster, and it avoids courses that can simply fill up the four years that it takes to get a degree. Many career training schools give you hands-on experience. Even in the best of times, career training can prepare individuals for a life of employment. Career training can provide the essential new skills and abilities and experiences that will enable individuals of all ages to participate in the U.S. economy. In the past we have partnered with Riverside County on their High School Career Pathways program, and we worked with CVCAN to hold a successful Career Day for cannabis industry workers. I intend to organize and oversee more job fairs and skills training seminars for DHS residents, bringing together not only large employers such as Amazon, but employers who themselves provide job training. I also will bring together non-profit and for-profit training and skills development organizations who are active in the Coachella Valley, so that residents can more easily find career training that is best for them.