
Scott Matas

Thank you Desert Hot Springs!

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Desert Hot Springs residents,

It is my honor to have this opportunity to serve you as your Mayor. I have grown up in this beautiful city, and have enjoyed serving in many ways. I hope my experiences and knowledge I have gained through my service has granted me the leadership experience I need to continue to push Desert Hot Springs forward.

We will be implementing our five-point plan and I will work hard to build a consensus and strong partnership among our council. We hope to have your help along the way, never hesitate to call or email me or the rest of our council with any concerns, questions or ideas.

I hope to use this website and my social media pages to keep you all informed of our goals, what we have accomplished, inform you of events and news, and make it easier for you to contact me and the rest of our council.

From myself, Victoria and our children, we thank you for believing in me, and believing in Desert Hot Springs.